Hedera (Hbar) Coin: Representative Of The Decentralized Future

Hedera (HBAR) is an open-source public network and governance body created to build and distribute decentralized applications. This cryptocurrency is built on Hashgraph technology, distinguishing it from traditional blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In this article, we will explore what Hedera is, how it works, and delve into its founders.

What is Hedera (HBAR)?

Hedera is a cryptocurrency network where anyone can transact and deploy applications, yet a group of businesses controls the software. It has distinctive design features, such as supporting high transaction speeds for the HBAR cryptocurrency while only allowing approved nodes to participate in determining transaction history.

Hashgraph Technology

Hedera Hashgraph utilizes Hashgraph technology, which is entirely different from traditional blockchains. Instead, it is built on Hashgraph, a next-generation distributed ledger technology. This technology aims to provide high performance and security by reducing transaction costs and environmental impact.

How Does Hedera Hashgraph Work?

In the Hedera network, Hashgraph consists of three layers: ledger, network nodes, and mirror nodes. The public ledger layer provides a readable ledger in a secure and shareable database for everyone. Network nodes ensure the management and storage of the ledger on the main network. The Hashgraph consensus algorithm achieves secure, scalable, and decentralized processing of over 10,000 transactions per second with low latency.

Founders of Hedera

One of the visionary figures behind Hedera is Dr. Leemon Baird. Dr. Baird is recognized as the founder of the Hashgraph Distributed Consensus Algorithm and directs the architecture of the Hedera Public Network. Another founder is Mance Harmon, who serves as the CEO of Hedera, bringing over 20 years of experience in strategic leadership in global enterprises, government agencies, and high-tech startups.

Key Features of Hedera

Hedera offers several advantages compared to traditional blockchain technologies. Hashgraph technology operates without mining, reducing environmental impact. Transaction costs are low, and transactions occur rapidly. Additionally, being an open-source platform provides developers with great flexibility.

Hedera (HBAR) Token Economy

HBAR, Hedera's token, is used to pay transaction fees, secure the network, and reward nodes. The token economy is based on a predetermined plan, including factors like the Hedera Pre-Mined Treasury, Ecosystem Development, Purchase Agreement, Founders and Initial Managers, Swirls, Employees, and Service Providers.

The Future of Hedera

Hedera Hashgraph has planned a series of significant updates and improvements in its roadmap. These updates include NFTs on the virtual Merkle tree, a multi-token standard, smart contract solidity verification, and more. Hedera is steadily progressing to implement these updates during the 2022-2023 period.


Hedera (HBAR), distinguished by Hashgraph technology, is a prominent cryptocurrency. This platform provides decentralized, secure, and fast transactions, envisioning a leadership role in the future digital economy. Under the leadership of its founders, Hedera Hashgraph represents an open-source and sustainable future.

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