Mehmet Şimşek Puts An End To Rumors About Crypto Tax

Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek made statements regarding the recently anticipated new tax regulations.

Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek made statements regarding the recently anticipated new tax regulations.

Şimşek responded to the rumors in the press about taxation on cryptocurrencies and stocks. According to Bloomberg's report, he stated that there are no plans to tax cryptocurrencies and stocks traded on the Borsa Istanbul.

Speaking to Bloomberg reporters in Ankara, Şimşek emphasized that the government is consulting on imposing a very limited transaction tax on assets, but this plan has not yet been implemented.

Yesterday, there were rumors in the local press and on social media that the government planned to impose additional taxes on citizens trading in cryptocurrencies and stocks as part of savings packages. However, Şimşek's statements today have refuted these rumors.

According to the existing draft cryptocurrency law, a total tax of 2% is planned to be collected from digital asset providers offering trading services.

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